Thursday, June 4, 2009

Outlawing Abortion

Outlawing abortion will not stop them from occurring anymore than outlawing alcohol stopped people from drinking and outlawing drugs have stopped people from getting high. A woman has a de-facto right to choose regardless of what laws are or are not enacted. It's really that simple.

Anyone who honestly examines the biology of human reproduction can see that a unique human life begins at conception. As a true human being trying to follow in the footsteps of the Master I hold that life to be as sacred at conception as at any point on the journey from conception to death. I will not aid in the act of abortion. I will offer alternatives to it. I will also minister to any who have chosen that path in whatever manner seems the most life-giving. I will not pass judgment....That responsibility is way above my pay grade.

I believe that punishing personal sin as an act of public policy is inherently corrupting of both secular government and the the Church. This has been demonstrated to be true over the long history of the Christian experience.

Public policy is enacted to establish stability in civil societies. Public laws must be enforced with objectivity and without favoritism. When Civil governments are called upon to enforce Christian morality the, foundation of Christian morality - Mercy - is discarded and the only thing left is a harsh, oppressive severity, devoid of Love and thereby, devoid of God.

Michael Iott

Society of Blessed John XXIII

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